Three Micro-learning Games remove One Poll Prizing Options Greetings, Adventurer! You’ve been chosen to join the ranks of our company, a place as filled with challenges and treasures as any ancient temple. Your mission is to locate an ancient artifact that holds the secrets to our company’s unparalleled success. This relic is said to contain the essence of our values, history, and security protocols. Are you up for the challenge? Ideal for onboarding, Wellness, Security, and Compliance training. The Treasure Raiders Mission is fully customizable to your content and objectives, with prizes and odds to fit your budget. remove

Each Mission comes with a full suite of enticing touchpoints Designed to generate awareness and buzz while enticing the audience to want to know more, we deliver each message to the appropriate audience segment, balancing cinematic entertainment with information and purpose.

1 2 3 4 Answer our poll about your onboarding experience and play instant-win game for a chance at the grand prize. The Holy Grail your participants have 30 days to complete their mission Watch the company video and take the quiz. The Map Room Play a Match 2 game and familiarize yourself with key members of our team. The Fearless Crusaders Watch the video on our company's security measures, then test your knowledge with our quiz. Raiders of the Lost Data All content customized to your
specific objectives.
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