Lost In Outer SpaceZhiyong Ma2025-01-21T17:10:42+00:00
Three Micro-learning GamesremoveOne PollPrizing OptionsOur intergalactic friend, the Sales Rep, is stranded in the vast expanse of space and needs our help to return safely to Earth. Embark on this thrilling 30-day mission filled with engaging games, a knowledge test, and sales skill challenge.
Not only will you be crucial in rescuing our cosmic companion, but you’ll also have the chance to win exciting prizes along the way. Time is of the essence—let’s save our friend from a space-bound disaster!Ideal for Learn & Earn, New Product Launch, Milestone attainment, Sales Kick-Off, Onboarding new reps., etc.The Lost In Outer Space Mission is fully customizable to your content and objectives, with prizes and odds to fit your budget.removeEach Mission comes with a full suite of enticing touchpointsDesigned to generate awareness and buzz while enticing the audience to want to know more, we deliver each message to the appropriate audience segment, balancing cinematic entertainment with information and purpose.1234Take our quick poll and play slot machine to win.Chapter 4your participants have 30 days to complete their missionWatch the company video then take the quiz.Chapter 1Play Match and Learn.Chapter 2Play the name game.Chapter 3All content customized to your
specific objectives.Schedule a demo and get the fun started!Intuitive dashboards and detailed reports provide real-time insights into the effectiveness of your initiatives, enabling data-driven decisions that propel your business forward.